Smart Works Systems or SWS is our Industrial Test Hardware and software company. It has been running since 1991.

It looks after about 12 industrial testing sites for windows, doors, walls, facades and roofs. These sites are in NZ, Australia and Malaysia.

SWS has done hundreds of projects over the years and concentrated mainly on LabVIEW based systems.

We now have a new contract engineer that will work with SWS and do projects using Siemens PLCs – Robotics - Drives, Omron Vision, OPTO 22 EPIC and RIO Industrial Edge Control, ICPDAS PAC and PCs with LabVIEW DAQ.

We now have huge capabilities covering many different custom Industrial projects, with specific Fabrication also.






Consulting and Design

Programming and Projects

LabVIEW Book: LabVIEW - More LCOD

LabVIEW Training

LabVIEW Notes

© MasTec Ltd 1997- 2024